The Deming Conference consists of 3 days of Tutorials and 2 days of Short Courses on Applied Statistics, aimed at providing a learning experience on recent developments in statistical methodologies in biopharmaceutical applications. The first 3 days of the conference is composed of twelve three-hour tutorials on current topics in applied biopharmaceutical statistics and FDA regulations, and a one-hour distinguished keynote speaker on each of the 3 days of the conference. The last 2 days of the conference consists of short courses on special topics that will offer in-depth review of theory and practical considerations.
To increase the visibility of applied statistics and encourage student participation, several Deming Student Scholar Awards will be given at the Conference where students will be invited to deliver a poster presentation.
The conference is sponsored by the American Statistical Association Biopharmaceutical Section. In particular, we acknowledge the support of Biopharmaceutical Section for the Deming Scholar Student Awards. Walter Young has chaired this conference for 52 consecutive years before his passing this year.
Online registration for the conference will open soon. For more information about the conference, please email Din Chen, Deming Publicity Chair, at din@demingconference.org
We are soliciting abstract proposals for posters. The Poster Presentation forum allows participants to submit their research concepts and issues of relevance for peer review in the area of biostatistics. Poster sessions, which will be held on all 3 days of the conference, allow attendees to discuss the specifics of an abstract with the author in a small group setting. Submissions will be accepted through Saturday, October 15, 2023. Poster abstracts can be emailed to pinggao.zhang@takeda.com or submitted online for consideration.
Students pursuing a doctorate degree in Biostatistics/Statistics may apply to receive a Deming Student Scholar Award and present a poster on their doctoral thesis at the conference. For further information, please contact the student scholar chair at Spaul@syros.com
This award will be offered to up to four students from US Universities which will include travel, accommodation and registration fee to the 3-day conference.